Dear Colleagues,
As part of our Research Project „Modelling Premodern Ambivalences“ (VAMOD) at the GWZO in Leipzig we are offering a 10month position until end of December 2025. The project is funded by NFDI4Memory and will offer plenty of possibilities to build up expertise and networks within the field of Digital Humanities.
The goal of the project is to transfer research data from my first book into the Wikibase instance FactGrid in accordance with the FAIR principles. The dataset comprises approximately 800 charters with about 1,600 place names and 5,000 personal names for the present-day Polish-Ukrainian border region (“Crown Ruthenia” or “Red Ruthenia”) between 1340 and 1434. During the transfer, innovative approaches to modelling premodern political configurations will be explored, which will be documented through guidelines and best-practice recommendations, thereby making them sustainably available to the historical research community.
If you can, please share widely!
Any questions can be directed to me.
Thank you in advance for sharing.
All the best,
Sven (Jaros)
Dr. Sven Jaros
Martin-Luther Universität Halle/Wittenberg
Institut für Geschichte
Professur für Osteuropäische Geschichte
Emil-Abderhalden-Str. 26/27
Raum 2.06.0
06108 Halle (Saale)