Header Images Roma floor design signed ΗΡΑΚΛΙΤΟΣ ΗΡΓΑΣΑΤΟ, found in a villa near the Porta Ardeatina, Rome, 2nd century Autobiography of Opicinus de Canistris (1296–c.1353) laid out in 40 concentric rings, one for each year of his life, detail Anonymous nautical chart in portolan style probably drawn in Genoa. Library of Congress. between circa 1320 and circa 1350. Schemata diversa (de genealogia deorum, poetis, montibus, fluviis etc.) cum notis, c. 1475, Codex: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Pal. lat. 1741 Atlas nautique du Monde, dit atlas Miller]. 6, [Atlas Miller : cartes de l’Océan … Homem, Lopo. Auteur présumé du texte, c. 1519 Abbildung aus Underweysung der Messung, mit dem Zirckel und Richtscheyt, in Linien, Ebenen unnd gantzen corporen (1525) Albrecht Dürer, Vnderweysung der Messung mit dem Zirckel vnd richtscheyt (1538) Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Small Portraits of the Popes from Christ to Innocent IX (c. 1580) The astronomical clock of St. Marien, Rostock, Germany, 1472, 1643 Robert Dudley, Dell’arcano del mare / di D. Ruberto Dudleo duca di Nortumbria, e conte di VVarvich, libri sei … In Firenze, Francesco Onofri, 1646. Detail of haphazardly folded volvelle from Volume I. Newberry Library, Chicago. (Photo; Suzanne Karr Schmidt) Presentation of all human knowledge from Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan 1651 Perspectiva Practica oder vollständige Anleitung zur Perspectiv-Reiß-Kunst (1710), p.120. Mappa Metallographica, Celebris Fodinae Semnitziensis. Die Bergbaustadt Banská Štiavnica (Deutsch: Schemnitz). Aus: Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli (1658 – 1730), Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus (Selmecbánya, 1726). 1732 Ferdinando Galli da Bibiena, Direzioni della Prospettiva Teorica Tibetan pattern book of proportions, 18th century, leafs 5 recto (left) and 4 verso (right) Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ Vienne, J. T. von Trattner, 1767-1770 – 2 vol. in-4 o Horace-Bénédict de Saussure, Cyanometer, 1789 Gèographie des Plantes Èquinoxiales. Tableau physique des Andes et Pays voisins. 1803. William Smith (1769-1830). A Delineation of the Strata of England and Wales, with part of Scotland. London: John Cary, 1 August, 1815 [but January 1816]. The Chronological Star of the World, An Entertaining Game (London: J. Marshall, 1818) Utagawa Hiroshige, Eight Shadow Figures, ca. 1842 An augmented graphic representation of a train schedule for 35 railways stations, between St. Petersburg and Moscow. This was designed by Lt. Sergev in 1854. Admiralty chart of Loch Tuath Engraved 1859 Family tree of Genghis Khan and his descendants, 19th century. The tree is divided into 4 sectors each of which show the descendants of Genghis Khan through one of the four khanates. Charles Booth’s descriptive map of London poverty 1889. The telephone tower in Stockholm about 1890, with wires covered in hoar frost. Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral Series, 1892–1894 “Sending Pictures by Telegraph. A method devised by Mr. W. H. Lowd”, The Electrical Review (Aug. 21, 1895), 99-100. George Mayerle Chart for testing vision, [San Francisco] : Schmidt Litho Co., c. 1907 Isometric Rendering of the Director’s Office in Bauhaus Weimar, design: Walter Gropius, 1923 / drawing: Herbert Bayer. Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau. Andrei Bely, “Lebenslinie” (1927), Foto: Andrei-Bely-Haus Harold Fisk, The alluvial valley of the lower mississippi river (1944). World War II aerial reconnaissance photograph print of part of Iwo Jima island, made on Jan. 12, 1945 Jack Kirby, “The Fourth Dimension is a many splattered thing!” from Alarming Tales, 1 (September 1957). Battleship commercial game version published by Milton Bradley 1967 Die Schnittmuster der Brigitte Nr. 9 (2015) Detail Annual temperatures in Vienna from 1775-2017 (appeared on front page of Wiener Zeitung)