Welcome on FactGrid’s project blog. FactGrid is a Wikibase installation run by the Gotha Research Centre and hosted at the University of Erfurt. Using Wikimedia’s groundbreaking software — the software that was created for Wikidata — we offer projects in the wider field of historical research database services on an international collaborative platform.
The project (Q17 on the Wikibase registry, re3data.org DOI 10.17616/R31NJMQR) is still in its initial stages. Joint ventures have marked our course so far: The platform was created with the support of Wikimedia Germany. We are presently planning a massive input of GND-Data in cooperation with Germany’s National Library in order to provide a millions of data as a starting point, we are part of the NFDI4Memory initiative.
The blog is set up to monitor the FactGrid’s development (it is partly synchronised with our page at Wikidata; you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Mastodon). We are also using the blog to widen our horizon with presentations of neighbouring projects. The menu above gives you access to the database, the central tools, and first step tutorials on how to use the software. There is also a FAQ page you might like to read.
Forschungszentrum Gotha der Universität Erfurt
— Dr. Olaf Simons
Schloßberg 2
99867 Gotha
Office: +49-361-737-1722
Mobile: +49-179-5196880