update: 25-05-2024 FactGrid is a wonderful, free and collaborative resource that the Gotha Research Center of the University of Erfurt in Germany has made available to the international historical community through the efforts of Olaf Simons. Many... Read More | Share it now!
Imagine a Graph Query Helper for Graph Databases
FactGrid is a graph database. If you run searches in such a database you should rather not think of a resource filled with interrelated tables (of people, places, organizations, documents…) – but of something more spatial, more geometric,... Read More | Share it now!
In einer Graphdatenbank müsste man eigentlich auch graphisch suchen können
Das FactGrid ist eine Graphdatenbank. Das heißt, dass man sich die Datenlage in einer solchen Ressource besser nicht in Form von fünf oder zehn großen, aufeinander verweisenden Tabellen (zu Personen, Orten, Organisationen und Dokumenten etwa)... Read More | Share it now!