The WikibaseMigrator, also known as the Beam-me-up tool, automates the complex process of transferring data from Wikidata to FactGrid. Traditional methods such as manual creation or imports through QuickStatements and OpenRefine often prove to be... Read More | Share it now!
Job advertisement in new FactGrid project on Polish-Ukrainian history
Dear Colleagues, As part of our Research Project „Modelling Premodern Ambivalences“ (VAMOD) at the GWZO in Leipzig we are offering a 10month position until end of December 2025. The project is funded by NFDI4Memory and will offer plenty of... Read More | Share it now!
Jüdisches Leben in Sachsen-Anhalt – ein kollaboratives Forschungsprojekt
Die Erforschung und Erhebung von Mikrodaten zu jüdischen Gemeinden erfolgt oft nicht flächendeckend für größere Räume und oftmals nur punktuell durch lokale Gruppen, Initiativen und einzelne Forscher. Eine Ausnahme bildet hier die... Read More | Share it now!
Von Sozialisten, Shoah-Überlebenden und dem American Dream. Das Potential von Social Philately für die Geschichtswissenschaft
Social Philately ist eine philatelistische Bewegung, die in den 1980er Jahren in Australien und Neuseeland entstand und Anfang der 2000er Jahre Europa erreichte. Diese Bewegung zielt darauf ab, traditionelle philatelistische Fragestellungen zur Analyse... Read More | Share it now!
Accessing the Sessions of the Bamberg Cathedral Chapter
Conservative estimates assume that towards the end of the early modern period, more than a tenth of the population of the Holy Roman Empire lived in ecclesiastical states. In Franconia, the proportion was even higher. Almost half of the inhabitants of... Read More | Share it now!
Modelling Premodern Political Entities – Case Studies from Eastern Europe
Words shape our understanding of the world. Especially in times of Disinformation, we as scholars need to be sensitive about the framing in which we put the knowledge we would like to share. The obstacles of this task become even higher in Digital... Read More | Share it now!
At least a make shift solution: The “Julian calendar stabiliser”
My last blog post triggered a couple of responses on Twitter. It seems I touched a problem that will not be solved that easily. Save dates as Julian on your Wikibase (manually or, with the /J switch, in your QuickStatements mass input) and your... Read More | Share it now!
Are our Wikibase QueryServices about to mess up two millennia of historical dates?
It was in February 2019 at a conference dinner of medievalists in Jena when I was first confronted with the calendar problem which Wikibase had been posing ever since it had digested its first Julian calendar dates. I had given a Wikibase demonstration... Read More | Share it now!
Roscher’s Lexikon of Mythology as Linked Open Data: Starting a Project on FactGrid
In the age of Linked Open Data, the humanities have increasingly turned their attention from the mere collection of data to its modelling with ontologies and data models. In the field of Greek mythology, these approaches have started in very recent... Read More | Share it now!
Erste Hilfe beim Zuordnen mittelalterlicher Ortsnamen (5770 Vorschläge)
Anfang des Jahres fragten wir (ich gab die Frage für Kathleen Schnabel und das Team Robert Gramsch-Stehfests ins Netz) die Welt der “Twitter Mediävisten” nach einem klugen Tipp, wie wir gut 3000 mittelalterliche Ortsnamen identifiziert... Read More | Share it now!
A FactGrid vocabulary of types of functional texts after Eckard Rolf
auf Deutsch The data set in basic queries: The presently collected types of functional texts in German, English, French, and Spanish with Eckard Rolf’s bottom-line classifications EntiTree visualisation of the... Read More | Share it now!
Eckard Rolfs Vokabular der Gebrauchstextsorten als FactGrid-Angebot
English version Der Datensatz in Basis-Abfragen: FactGrid-Vokabular der Gebrauchstextsorten nach Eckard Rolf, Die Funktionen der Gebrauchstextsorten (Berlin/ New York, 1993), 2079 Items (Stand Juli 2023), alphabetisch sortiert, Download-Optionen am... Read More | Share it now!
PhiloBiblon receives a new grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities
We are delighted to announce that PhiloBiblon, a database of the primary sources for the study of medieval Iberia, has received a two-year implementation grant from the Humanities Collections and Reference Resources program of the National Endowment... Read More | Share it now!
FactGrid Goes NFDI
Friday week before last, we received the news that so many working groups had been eagerly awaiting: the 4Memory consortium (of historical studies) will become part of the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI), the German National Research Data... Read More | Share it now!
FactGrid wants to become part of the Wikidata federation ecosystem
Linked, open data and Knowledge Graphs show their full power when they are connected. In technical terms this is called federation. A query across multiple data sources is then a federated query. For example, an item from FactGrid is linked to the... Read More | Share it now!