My last blog post triggered a couple of responses on Twitter. It seems I touched a problem that will not be solved that easily. Save dates as Julian on your Wikibase (manually or, with the /J switch, in your QuickStatements mass input) and your... Read More | Share it now!
Are our Wikibase QueryServices about to mess up two millennia of historical dates?
It was in February 2019 at a conference dinner of medievalists in Jena when I was first confronted with the calendar problem which Wikibase had been posing ever since it had digested its first Julian calendar dates. I had given a Wikibase demonstration... Read More | Share it now!
Erste Hilfe beim Zuordnen mittelalterlicher Ortsnamen (5770 Vorschläge)
Anfang des Jahres fragten wir (ich gab die Frage für Kathleen Schnabel und das Team Robert Gramsch-Stehfests ins Netz) die Welt der “Twitter Mediävisten” nach einem klugen Tipp, wie wir gut 3000 mittelalterliche Ortsnamen identifiziert... Read More | Share it now!
A FactGrid vocabulary of types of functional texts after Eckard Rolf
auf Deutsch The data set in basic queries: The presently collected types of functional texts in German, English, French, and Spanish with Eckard Rolf’s bottom-line classifications EntiTree visualisation of the... Read More | Share it now!
Eckard Rolfs Vokabular der Gebrauchstextsorten als FactGrid-Angebot
English version Der Datensatz in Basis-Abfragen: FactGrid-Vokabular der Gebrauchstextsorten nach Eckard Rolf, Die Funktionen der Gebrauchstextsorten (Berlin/ New York, 1993), 2079 Items (Stand Juli 2023), alphabetisch sortiert, Download-Optionen am... Read More | Share it now!
FactGrid Goes NFDI
Friday week before last, we received the news that so many working groups had been eagerly awaiting: the 4Memory consortium (of historical studies) will become part of the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI), the German National Research Data... Read More | Share it now!
Freimaurer, Illuminaten, Rosenkreuzer, Jesuiten, Alchemisten, Mesmeristen… — die verloren gegangene Bibliothek des letzten illuminatischen Ordensprovinzials
Johann Joachim Christoph Bode starb am 13. Dezember 1793, zwei Stunden vor Mitternacht – wohl an den Folgen der Zahn- und Kieferentzündungen, die ihm seit Jahren mit Anfällen von „Flußfieber und Zahnschmerzen” zu schaffen machten. Damit kam in... Read More | Share it now!
Imagine a Graph Query Helper for Graph Databases
FactGrid is a graph database. If you run searches in such a database you should rather not think of a resource filled with interrelated tables (of people, places, organizations, documents…) – but of something more spatial, more geometric,... Read More | Share it now!
In einer Graphdatenbank müsste man eigentlich auch graphisch suchen können
Das FactGrid ist eine Graphdatenbank. Das heißt, dass man sich die Datenlage in einer solchen Ressource besser nicht in Form von fünf oder zehn großen, aufeinander verweisenden Tabellen (zu Personen, Orten, Organisationen und Dokumenten etwa)... Read More | Share it now!
9 x FactGrid, Coffee Talk Serie an der Universität Erfurt, 14. April – 16. Juni 2022, Donnerstags 13:30
Die Universität Erfurt lud uns ein, im kommenden Sommersemester eine online Coffee-Talk Serie zum FactGrid als kollaborativer Forschungsplattform zu veranstalten. Neun Themenschwerpunkte haben wir ausgesucht. Die Veranstaltungen sollen kurz und für... Read More | Share it now!
Twenty years on tour: The Velten Theatre Company’s journeys from 1693 to 1712
This may come as a postscript to the previous or as a sneak preview of upcoming projects that will deal with theatre and its history. An interesting topic with all the networks of actors knitting their personal ties in ever changing ensembles of... Read More | Share it now!
How to map itineraries on FactGrid — and Robinson Crusoe’s eight voyages
William Taylor’s typesetter stumbled over the date which Robinson Crusoe’s manuscript was spelling out for his page 46: 1659, “the same Day eight Year that I went from my Father and Mother at Hull“. Either this was a mistake or... Read More | Share it now!
A Quarter of a Million Items on FactGrid – just a brief reflection
Germany’s national author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe called it a “masquerade in red and white”, but was himself a member (just as he became a member of the Illuminati a little bit later; it made sense to join such organisations and to know from... Read More | Share it now!
Die Absolventen des Gothaer Gymnasiums Illustre/ Ernestinum 1524 – 1882
Nach den Pfarrern des Gothaer Territoriums (und ihren Ehefrauen, beidseitigen Eltern, Kindern und deren Ehepartnern – insgesamt gut 15.000 Datenbankobjekten) legt Heino Richard hiermit einen zweiten, quer durch diese Gruppe reichenden Datensatz vor:... Read More | Share it now!
The first volume of the Thuringian pastor’s book (1500–1920) as a Wikibase data set
auf Deutsch In a tremendous effort of a year’s work, Heino Richard of the Genealogical Society of Thuringia e.V., step by step translated the first volume of the Thuringian Pastors’ Books (the volume for the former Duchy of Gotha) into data which... Read More | Share it now!